Archive for the ‘Site’ Category

Site transferred to a new host

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

I recently transferred my site to a new host and so far everything has gone smoothly. My hosting plan with Bluehost was about to expire and as I wasn’t particularly impressed with their shared hosting performance it was time to look into other options. I had read some pretty good things about Siteground and they were also running a sale for Halloween. So far I am very impressed, the site is a lot faster now (having a data center in Europe probably helps) and their online support has been excellent. They are certainly bit pricier than many other shared hosting providers, but for this level of service I’m happy to pay a small premium.

I am also well aware that I haven’t posted any updates for over a year. This is a good time to get that fixed too. I have quite a few dive trip reports half written and some other pretty big stories too. Between getting married and moving back to Europe things have been quite busy over the last 12 months!

Updated Dive Log

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I have been working on a new version of my dive log for quite a while. After a few aborted prototypes I have finally come up with a version I’m reasonably happy with. The new dive log is running as a WordPress plugin so it’s fully integrated with the rest of the site unlike the old log. The current version is still somewhat bare bones but it should cover all of the most important functionality. Still there’s fair bit of work to do, including adding missing information and photos to the individual dives.

I’m particularly happy with the new dive site map.  The map utilizes the excellent Basic Google Maps Placemarks plugin. The map marker clustering is very convenient for displaying the dive sites around the world.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be adding some more features to the plugin and also doing some polishing work.

Unfortunately there’s one more pressing issue that needs to be resolved first. You may have noticed that I haven’t posted any photos in a while and there’s a good reason for this. I’m currently having some annoying issues with the Lightroom export plugin I use to upload my photos to the online gallery. While I now have a decent general idea what’s causing the issue, fixing the problem is not straightforward and may take quite a bit of debugging. I’ll try to get this resolved ASAP and start uploading my photo backlog that includes several shore dives in April/May and another trip to Mt Gambier in the beginning of May.

Site issues

Friday, January 11th, 2013

The site was almost completely wiped out a few days ago, likely due to a hostile attack. Databases were unaffected and I was able to restore almost all the other content from the latest weekly backup. However, I will need to upload some photo galleries (Wilsons Prom and New Zealand trip) again.

I have updated all WordPress components to their latest versions and temporarily disabled some other parts of the site to ensure there are no exploits on the site. I should have everything back up and running in a few more days.

Trip Reports for November

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The photos and trip reports for my two major trips in November are finally up! They were Wilsons Prom with MUUC and New Zealand by myself.

With those out of the way there’s still some catching up to do. There has been some excellent diving around Melbourne in late November and December and I have several excellent photos to post. Additionally, some of my family and friends are currently visiting Australia and I have done several nice day trips with them, including another Great Ocean Road trip.

And finally, there are still some files missing from the new site. I’ll get the dead links and missing images fixed as soon as I can.

Website transfered to a new host

Monday, December 17th, 2012

The website has been transferred to a new hosting company. This resulted in a downtime of few days, sorry for the inconvenience. While in general the process went reasonably smoothly, there are currently some dead links and some parts of the site are not functioning properly. I’ll be fixing any issues over the next few days.

Once everything is working again I’ll be posting some content updates as well. I have a rather large backlog of photos from a couple of trips in November.

Site Updates

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

Things have been little quiet lately with settling down in a new place in Melbourne and waiting for my arm to heal. But there’s still stuff happening in the background.

First of all I have been working on some site updates. I finally got around to doing proper troubleshooting with the broken Gallery installation and it appears that the problems are with my web host after all. A clean install didn’t fix the issue, so I am at the moment stuck waiting for the hosting company to get their act together and find out what in their configuration is causing the problem. I have also been trying out some other web galleries to keep my options open. I have found some really nice galleries but none so far that support the full feature set I require.

I have also been working on integrating my Online Divelog with the WordPress blog. Things are progressing nicely and I already have most of the building blocks in place. In a few weeks I should have the implementation ready for public use, it’s already looking quite nice so stay tuned!

And finally, my cast should finally come off on Friday after six weeks of general annoyance. It will be really nice to have my arm free again!

Layout Problems Fixed

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

The latest WordPress update caused some problems with the site layout (missing menu bar etc.), these issues should now be fixed.

Gallery changes

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Recently I started using Adobe Lightroom for managing my photos. With a Gallery3 plugin I can also use Lightroom for publishing web galleries. As I never had a chance to migrate my older galleries to Gallery3, I decided it was easiest to start from scratch and redo all my galleries in a bit more organized fashion. This time around I also kept everything in English apart from some existing photo names and tags. I also did quite a bit of work to get all the published photos tagged properly.

I have already uploaded all my diving photos, including photos from several more recent dives in Finland and more photos from my trip to Marsa Alam in January. The more important events like the Ice Diver course will get their own post someday soon. I’ll start working on other photo galleries once I have all the diving stuff sorted out.

And finally, Google decided that Google Video content will stay available after all. However, as Youtube provides better video quality these days, I will be transfering all the more interesting material there anyway. Our video projects, Höpötti, Raid – Puhdistus and Raid 2 – Waren Herra are already available on Youtube.

Google Video closing and Gallery status update

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Google Video stopped accepting new uploads around two years ago and now they are closing down for good. I still have several videos only available on Google Video, I will be transfering them to Youtube someday soon. This is probably something I should have done long ago, Youtube’s video quality and other features are perfectly fine these days.

I have also updated my Gallery3 installation to a new version (3.0.1). There are still lots of older photo galleries missing, I’ll be updating them as I have time and correct all the photo links on the site once I’m done.

Gallery3 migration

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

I have started migrating my photo galleries to Gallery3. So far, it appears far superior to Coppermine for both uploading and photo browsing. It will take a while to get everything uploaded, so the old Coppermine gallery will remain active for a while but will no longer be updated. With the new photo gallery, I will focus more on the image quality and will be more picky while choosing photos for inclusion. New gallery is available for testing, old links will be updated to this new gallery when I have time to get most of my photos there.