Archive for the ‘Ruler’ Category

New Ruler forums

Monday, March 11th, 2002

The Ruler of the Galaxy Forums are relocated at

Ruler of the Galaxy put on hold

Thursday, October 11th, 2001

With my studies consuming most of my time, I simply don’t have the time to work on ROG anymore. In addition, I do feel that ROG lacksĀ the features to distinguish itself from other recent high quality games of the genre. (and even more so with the ‘looming’ release of MOO3) As such, I have decided that ROG project in its current form should come to an end. However, this doesn’t mean that I’m simply going to trash all the work spent on the it, quite the opposite. I’m already planning an online-only space strategy game incorporating many of the elements found in ROG. All the actual code will be rewritten from the scratch however, and most likely in some other programming language than Visual Basic.

And then some initial information about this new project: (I’m currently referring to it as Ruler of the Galaxy Online, but that may well yet change) It will be online only with (almost) everything played out in real-time with huge persistent galaxies. It will have features that balance out things between super-advanced races and those who have only recently discovered FTL travel. (i.e.. newbie players) Since the project is still deep in the planning stages and it will be a while before any actual coding is done, I’m not going into more details yet. However, I’m going to update this homepage with more details someday soon, so please check back later.

And last but not least, I have decided to release one more build of the original ROG as a public release. It’s by no means feature complete or bug free, but it’s a nice demonstration of the current state of the game. Unfortunately it will also be the last version of ROG released (unless there are some bugs catastrophic bugs) and it will be a while before Ruler Online will be ready to enter testing stages.

Studies started

Thursday, September 13th, 2001

My actual studies have finally started, and as I was expecting, they are taking quite a lot of my time. Anyways, I have finally had a chance to spend some time working on ROG too, and I will try to get a new version out ASAP.

Ruler beta 0.140

Tuesday, May 1st, 2001

ROG Beta 0.140 is finally out! Featuring the brand new DirectX 8.0 support and lots of other new features, this is one of the most important ROG releases to data. This is also a great move towards the public beta, which should be out in late may or early june. All registered beta-testers should head to the Beta Center and grab the installation package, but make sure you read the instructions there first, because the distribution packages have been reorganized. And if you are not yet a betatester, but want to become one, fill out the Beta Application form!

Ruler beta 0.140 soon

Tuesday, April 24th, 2001

The new beta (0.140) should have been out already, but some new features required a lot more work than intended, and I decided to finish them before releasing the beta. Some of the planet textures still require little work (and I have to do it myself, our artist is too busy with school) and the new Planet Listing routines became quite complicated as well. Anyways, the next beta will be out before the weekend, and after that I can start working on the bug fixes and missing features still needed before ROG is ready for a public beta release.

3D planets

Wednesday, April 18th, 2001

The planet pictures are now being rendered in real-time 3D, and even though it’s not perfect yet, the new system is FAR superior to the old one which used pre-rendered frames. (it’s very smooth and a lot easier to work with too) The performance loss is also quite minimal on any modern system, even though the initialization of Direct3D slows down the startup a bit. I’m going to release the next version quite soon, but first there’s some work to be done with the planet textures, because some of them require little modifications before they can be used with the new system. Our artist is also working on higher resolution textures, but they won’t be added in until later. Unfortunately, because of this new direction in development, I haven’t been able to work with the core engine very much, so the public beta will be somewhat postponed. Anyway, it will be released as soon as possible, which will most likely mean sometime in May.


Tuesday, April 17th, 2001

I have recently been busy studying DirectX8 SDK, and even though this has temporarily slowed down the development of ROG, the results are sure to be worth it. The work on real-time rendering of planet pictures is progressing nicely, and I’m also reconsidering the possibility of 3D galaxies. This will most likely get a little mixed reception though, so I would be most happy to receive some feedback on this feature. Please either email your feedback to me or use the feedback form. Or even better, post it on the ROG Discussion Forum, where others can see and comment your ideas as well.

In other news, I have added the Tourism link, it takes you to the homepage of our cottage which we are renting. The page is in Finnish though, so if you are interested and want further details, email me.


Wednesday, April 11th, 2001

I have started some preliminary studies on the implementation of DirectX routines, and even though they aren’t likely to make their way into the game for a while, they will be added at some point. Using DirectX should give a very nice performance boost, and there should also be some much more impressive eyecandy. Unfortunately there is also bound to be some compatibility issues, but hopefully they can be kept to a minimum.

Also, some new links have been added to the Links section.

Ruler delays

Monday, April 9th, 2001

Work on ROG has been pretty slow lately, and I have been quite busy both in real life and in the computer world. I’m hoping to get things back to full swing as soon as possible, but at least for a week or so, things will remain somewhat sluggish. Luckily, our artist is back working on the project, so you should see some new graphics and most of the missing toolbar buttons in the next release. I’ve run into little problems with the rendering of the planet pictures, but I’m still hoping to get them ready for the next release as well.

And just a little reminder, my old email address and the old homepage are gone for good now. (you can still access the old homepage at least for now though), so make sure you have updated your links and address books.