While the main focus on our Sydney visit was sightseeing I also wanted to do some diving on the side. My original plan was to do another dive at Magic Point with the UNSW dive club on Saturday, hopefully with some proper shots of grey nurse sharks this time around. Conditions were still quite favorable on Friday but unfortunately weather deteriorated rapidly overnight. The guys getting our boat in the water at the Botany Bay boat ramp were told pretty flatly not to risk it. It was frustrating of course, but considering the rough sea and heavy winds it was the only safe decision.
Luckily I was able to get some diving done on Sunday instead. Conditions remained rough, but thankfully one of the shops was still organizing shore dives. The strong southerly swell and winds gave us few options when it came to dive sites and we ended up diving Camp Cove just inside the Sydney Harbour entrance. This shallow and well-protected site is best known as a training site but there’s also lots of macro targets to photograph. Water was pleasant 18 degrees and visibility was quite ok.
We did two dives in the area, first one was to the middle reef a short way of the coast . While the reef is not particularly interesting there were lots of critters hiding under the ledges, including several octopuses and cuttlefish. We also saw quite a few nudibranchs and a lion fish. After the dive we quickly switched to new tanks and headed out again. This time we explored the right-hand side of the area sticking pretty close to the shore. There were some fairly interesting rock formations and along with more octopuses and cuttlefish (including one cute pair!) we also saw quite several rays and a few seahorses hanging onto seagrass. These small seahorses were quite tricky to photograph as they were close to the surface and the surge was rocking them back and worth. Apart from the problems with surge and some silting both dives were quite enjoyable and yielded some decent shots.
In addition to the two dives I also did some snorkeling during the Sydney visit. Clovelly was nice as usual even if there was nothing too special to see. I did bring my camera for this one with the fisheye lens (but no strobes). The results were not that spectacular but I still managed to get some pretty good shots of blue gropers hanging around. I also did a quick snorkel at Shelly beach during our visit to Manly, this time without the camera. There were few rays and some fish but otherwise nothing too interesting to see.
Jan 01, 1970
min, 0 m, °C
Jan 01, 1970
min, 0 m, °C